4 years ago

Hive Today - January 2nd, 2021 - Episode 16 - Happy New Year!

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Happy New Year, everyone! Wishing you a wonderful 2021.

Hive is alive and this is Hive Today. HiveToday's audience has grown to 107 subscribers. Thanks for your continued support!


This week in Hive Chain News

There's a new face in town this week. Vietnam's top blockchain-focused incubator, Kyros Ventures (@KyrosVentures), arrived and prepares for a 2-way AMA event. A collaboration with @guiltyparties and @starkerz, the AMA takes place on January 7th. The event aims to share info about Kyros in the Hive community and promote Hive within Kyros' communities. [info]

This week Hive was named a top 10 crypto project, as measured by LunarCRUSH Galaxy score. This metric is based on social media data. https://twitter.com/Coin98AnaIytics/status/1342063461530882048?s=20


This Week in Hive-Powered Games

Hive is home to a growing number of blockchain games. Here's a quick summary of the Hive game landscape.

CryptoBrewMaster, the brewery manager game, this week added a notifications feature to help players keep an eye on the status of various in-game buildings. [info]

@Piggericks recently disclosed a "hack". It seems that the keys to the piggericks wallet were compromised, and the attacker stole their funds. A very brief post was published 10 days ago. It's not clear if their servers were compromised, but it might be a good idea to change your Hive keys if you ever logged in to Piggericks.

RisingStar, the band manager game, has started distributing daily SWAP.HIVE rewards. The 'Rankings' page shows the rewards distribution details. They've also added two new cards: Private Yacht (legendary vehicle), and Bobby Remedy (epic musician). [info]

Splinterlands, the monster battle game, shared updates on tournaments and Uniswap Liquidity Pool incentives. Tournament entry fees and prizes have been reworked]. As for LP incentives, starting January 1st a pool of 274,000 DEC is distributed to liquidity providers based on their percentage of the pool and how long they've been contributing to the pool. [info]


This Week in Hive-Powered dApps, Tribes, & Tokens

Hive powers a growing number of decentralized apps (dApps). Since they all live on the same chain, one Hive account can be used to access every app. Here's a quick summary of the Hive app landscape.

@Aggroed announced a new BEECHATTER Android app available now in the Play Store. This app acts as a Hive wallet and chat client. The app connects to the BEECHAT service which is also built into Hive dapps NFTShowroom and PeakD. [info]

@DBuzz, the micro-blogging dapp team, released a few new features this week. Buzz Widget was added to D.Buzz, allowing Hive Dapps to add it. RisingStar and Vimm.tv have already added the widget to their apps. DBuzz also added tipping via BuyMeBerries this week. [info]

@Ecency has open sourced the RPC-proxy code. This code is part of the infrastructure middle-ware connecting the Ecency front end to the Hive blockchain. [info]

@LeoFinance, the finance blogging community, published release notes for LeoFinance.io V2 P2. This post summarizes features discussed in HiveToday over the previous several weeks. [info] The Leo team also tweeted a teaser for an upcoming token airdrop to LEO/WLEO holders. Leo fans suspect the airdrop somehow relates to the LeoFinance micro-blogging app expected to release in January 2021. I would not be surprised to see a formal airdrop announcement this week if not today.


Hive Community Contests and Initiatives

Hivers love contests. Many communities run weekly or monthly contests to encourage content creation and engagement. A good place to find contests the "contest" tag. Good luck, have fun! I listed just a few below to get you started.

Raffles and Giveaways

  • @combination's weekly Hive charity giveaway. Enter the numbers draw with 1 HBD and stand a chance to win some HBD. Proceeds go to @papilloncharity, a registered not-for-profit. Donors can now earn a special HiveBuzz badge. [info]


Upcoming Hive Events and Meetups


You made it to the end! Thanks for reading. This is edition #16 of this Hive news digest. Your support and feedback is greatly appreciated. Please consider a follow, reblog, comment, or upvote.

Hive Today is published every Saturday. The goal is to provide a curated news digest for the Hive community and to educate outsiders about all the great things happening in the Hive ecosystem.

Also, if there are specific stories or events missing here please leave a comment. Folks who contribute to improving HiveToday's content are added as a beneficiary next week.

This week's author rewards beneficiaries:

  • @traciyork - 50% of author rewards. Thanks for promoting HiveToday!
  • @enjar - 50% of author rewards. Thanks for promoting HiveToday!


Useful Hive ResourcesHive Social Presence
Signup.hive.io   —  create a new Hive accountDiscord: https://discord.com/invite/xHKUjeC
Hive.io   —  general Hive info and API docsFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/hiveblocks/
PeakD.com  —  full-featured Hive frontendInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/hivechain/
Hive.blog   —  light-weight Hive frontendLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13866064/
Hiveblocks.com  —  Hive block explorerQuora: https://www.quora.com/q/hive
Hiveprojects.io  —  directory of Hive-related development projectsReddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/hivenetwork
Hivesearcher.com   —  search engine for Hive-related contentTelegram: https://t.me/hiveblockchain
Hive.wiki  —  Hive knowledge baseTwitter: https://twitter.com/hiveblocks
HiveStats.io — Hive account statistics
HiveTasks.com — Hive blockchain tools
Follow @penguinpablo for Hive statistics


Art by @doze

Art by @doze

  • 111Upvotes
  • $1.32Reward
  • 11Comments


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